Detail for New Jersey SB 1333

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NJ SB 1333 (AB 3019)

Session: 2016-2017 (1/12/2016 thru 1/9/2018 Adjourned)

Intro Date: 2/11/2016

Sponsor: Republican Budget Officer Anthony R. Bucco (R)

Requires DOE to establish NJ Dyslexia website. [[This bill requires the Commissioner of Education to establish a New Jersey Dyslexia Website in consultation with parent advocacy and professional organizations in the State with expertise in dyslexia and related reading disabilities. The Legislature has taken steps in the previous two years to enact three laws to improve the identification of dyslexia and other reading disabilities in students and to provide training and education to professionals in the education field who interact daily with children who may have dyslexia or other reading disabilities. P.L.2013, c.105 (C.18A:6-130 et seq.) requires the Department of Education to provide professional development opportunities related to reading disabilities, including dyslexia, to school district personnel. The law requires certain education professionals to complete at least two hours of professional develo... (Please see bill detail)]]

** 2/11/2016 (S) Introduced And Referred To Education **